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Service & Giving

There are so many ways to get involved at Buechel - from sorting donations for our food pantry, clothes closet, and diaper bank - to helping drive new families to church and welcoming families that are new to the U.S. Whatever your interests and gifts, we would love to have you working alongside us to serve one another and to serve our community.



At Buechel we have multiple ways you can give to the work of the church. You can give on Sunday mornings, online, or by mailing a check. You can also give to our food pantry, clothes closet, and diaper bank.



Make a joyful noise with us unto the Lord! Our choir practices Wednesday nights from 7-8 pm and sings every Sunday during the school year.



Diaper Bank

Each month we need help sorting diapers and handing them out after service. We also accept donations of diapers and wipes to keep this ministry going.



Do you enjoy teaching or spending time with children? We have opportunities for volunteers to help with children during Children's Church on Sunday mornings as well as during our Saturday Kids program.




Our band leads worship every Sunday morning. Come and share your musical and/or vocal talents with our church alongside some amazingly talented musicians!

Seat on public transportation


Do you have extra room in your car? We have church members who could use a ride to church - some may even be your neighbors!



Would you like to come alongside our youth and be a caring influence in their lives? We have opportunities for additional adults to come alongside our youth pastor on Sunday afternoons and Wednesday night.

Mixer Desk

Tech Team

We could use your attention to details and ear for sound on our tech team. We always need folks willing to run slides and assist people in worship through the use of technology.

Community Service

Sorting Goods

We get receive regular donations of food, clothing, and diapers and need your help to sort and distribute them where they can make a difference.


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